Friday, 16 June 2017

Maui the Hero

Up a hill, if you turn right, then left you will come to the place where the Maori pa stands. In the village stands strong, intelligent Maui and his special whanau.

A beautiful pounamu lay on Maui's cocoa coloured chest. Maui wore his brown, curly hair in a topknot. In addition, Maui wore a piupiu that spun like a carnival ride.

Maui was the leader of the tribe. In the beginning, he was the one who came up with the idea of slowing down the sun because days and nights were too fast. There was only time to sleep wake up then go back to sleep. When he slowed down the sun  people could finish all of thier work.

Maui was confident, courageous and a great leader. Some people think Maui is the reason we're alive today. 

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

i am

I am from a closet with clothing

From small teddy lion and little shrek

I am from a nice house with a blinding veiw

And big windows i ran into

I am from my tree hut i feel out of

whose goes the big leaves

from Jodi Osborne and Mark Osborne

I am from pizza and pasta

I am from the gate i sat on and said it was my swing

I am from those moments in my pool that i loved.