Thursday, 27 October 2016

How to be kitiaki of kaimoana (dos and don'ts)

Don't open kaimoana over shellfish beds.

Don't take more kaimoana then you need.

Do put back any rock you have lifted up or rolled over back .

Do find out how many fish or shellfish to take and how big they must be.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Why all parents should have smoke alarms (argument)

Smoke alarms are cheap and help protect your expensive house they also last long  .

Smoke alarms wake you up early so you can get out quickly When you sleep you can't smell but when you sleep your smoke alarm's like a big nose that can always smell.

Buying a smoke alarm could save your life. They're only like $10. Please buy some.

If you have a smoke alarm you can always be safe.